Yoga for BJJ RSS

Handstands for people who can’t do a handstand – Yoga for BJJ

Will to learn is always an integral part of the experience.

Straddle Variations for BJJ warmup and stretching – Sebastian Brosche

Sebastian Brosche brings a new Yoga for BJJ clip!

Jeff Glover Ankle Flexibility Routine

Jeff Glover takes his ankle flexibility seriously…       Flexibility A video posted by Jeff Glover (@youjitsu) on Jul...

Pidgeon pose – tutorial by Yoga for BJJ

A short tutorial where we look at a very beneficial pose. There are few better stretches for the side of the hips. Se...

7 Minutes of Yoga for BJJ – Cassidy Jane

Yoga for BJJ focusing on recovery

Hamstring Stretching for Flexibility Routine – Yoga for Martial Arts

Yoga for Martial Arts – Hamstring Stretching for Flexibility Routine

3 poses for Back Pain – Yoga For Bjj

Yoga For Bjj shares several posses that can help alleviate back pain

Relson Gracie demonstrates the benefits of Jiu-Jitsu

The second son of Grandmaster Hélio Gracie, Relson Gracie, demonstrates the amazing physical benefits through his exe...

Downdog – short tutorial by Yoga for BJJ

Downward dog. The “rear naked choke” of yoga. Many beginners struggle with it and even advanced practitioners can alw...

15 Minute Yoga Challenge for Abs and Core Strength

Handy 15 minute yoga challenge for abs and core strength!

3 Yoga poses for inverted guard – Yoga for BJJ

Sebastian Brosche from Yoga for BJJ shows 3 poses that will improve your inverted guard!

Yoga for The Uchimata – Yoga For BJJ

Sebastian Brosche from Yoga for BJJ shows some nice yoga moves that could help you vastly improve your Uchimata
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