Half Guard RSS

57 BJJ Guard Passing Techniques in Just 8 Minutes – Jason Scully

Jason Scully: Guard passing (guard passes) should be approached, not as a defense to your opponents guard but as an a...

42 BJJ Half Guard Bottom Techniques in Just 6 Minutes – Jason Scully

Jason Scully: The half guard years ago was known to be just a stalling, or safety position. Now it is considered to b...

Rafael Mendes – Knee Slice Pass

    Knee slice pass by Rafael Mendes 6 x World Champion Rafael Mendes teaching the knee slice pass from half guard at...

Flattening to Pass the Half Guard by Xande Ribeiro

    Follow 6-time black belt world champ, Xande Ribeiro as he teaches two ways to flatten your opponent in the half g...

Power Knee Slice using Palm Down Grip with Xande Ribeiro

    Xande teaches how to pass the guard with the power knee slice using the palm down grip. Get full access to the “M...

Ricardo Vieira Guard Passing Concepts

  Rico Vieira shares some guard passing concepts that can help to pass your opponent’s guard. Get access to the full ...

Xande Ribeiro on Guard Retention and Knee Cross, X Pass, Same Side Knee Pass Combos

    Check out for full access to this seminar as well as daily lessons from the Ribeiro brother...

Rafael Lovato Jr – Side Smash Pass from BJJ Library Seminar

  Rafael Lovato Jr presents the Side Smash Pass from Headquarters position. Get instant access to Rafael Lovato Jr’s ...
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