BJJ Improvement RSS

The “Secret” To Getting Rid Of Crushing Top Pressure In Jiu-Jitsu

It’s not fun getting crushed in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Especially when the person applying the pressure knows what they...

This Is Why It’s Vital To Develop Good Defense In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Alright, be honest with us for a minute… How much time do you spend working on your defense in Jiu-Jitsu? When it com...

Felipe Costa Reveals Key Mindset Shift For Jiu-Jitsu Success

How do you approach your training sessions? Do you go pedal to the metal in every roll, trying to get the tap at all ...

Tough Decisions: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Is Full Of Them

Every move you make in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a potentially risky one… And because almost every move (and situation) ...

BJJ Advice: Force The Opponent’s Hand To The Mat

One of the most important things you need to do in Jiu-Jitsu is off-balance your opponents. Why? Because that’s a sur...

John Danaher: “The Best Students Must Bring To Me The One Thing I Can Never Give To Them”

John Danaher is widely regarded as one of the best Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu coaches in history. It seems that almost anyon...

Here’s An Easy Way To Create More Submission Opportunities In Jiu-Jitsu

Do you sometimes struggle with creating submission opportunities in BJJ? As in, no matter how much you try to set up ...

Every Successful Jiu-Jitsu Student Has These Two Skills

If you want to become successful in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu – whether that means on the international stage or “just” to ...

BJJ Pro Advice: Get To The End Of The Lever

Sometimes, it’s the smallest of advice that will get you the furthest. Even when that “small advice” can be applied i...

John Danaher Explains Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid To Re-Learn BJJ Techniques

So you want to learn some new BJJ techniques… But are afraid that you’ll forget the ones you already know? Well, John...

BJJ Advice: You’ll Succeed – Or Fail – One Step At A Time

Wouldn’t it be great if you could achieve what you’ve set out to do… Right now? As in, if you could learn something s...

Pressure: A Sure-Fire Way To Identifying Your Weaknesses In BJJ

Think about it for a second: how good would your Jiu-Jitsu be if you would, for a change, start working on your weakn...
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