Bochecha RSS

2013 Pan JJ: Remember Bochecha vs. Kron and register today

The 2013 Pan American Championship on March 20-24 is looming in on us and with that, the registration date is nearing...

Rodolfo Vieira: ‘I’ll be one of the first to be tested, I’m clean’

World champion Rodolfo Vieira is in Australia for a series of seminars in the company of GF Team leader, professor Ju...

Rodolfo Vieira enxerga só uma “única vantagem” contra Demente

O campeão mundial Rodolfo Vieira está na Austrália, para uma série de seminários em companha do líder da GF Team, o p...

Bochecha’s Worlds: “I never imagined I’d get here in two years at black belt”

The grand black belt champion, Marcus Almeida etched his name into the pantheon of Jiu-Jitsu greats this Sunday. In a...

Yuri Simões comments on No-Gi Worlds win

This has been a storied year for brown belt Yuri Simoes of Checkmat BJJ. He just can’t seem to be stopped. The 21-yea...

Bochecha: “I’m not the favorite, but I’m in the mix”

The Long Beach pyramid was nearly empty that Saturday night of the 2010 World Championship. Even so, there was still ...

The brown belt who reigned among blacks

Marcus “Bochecha” Almeida was the only brown belt to guarantee himself a place in the main event at the World Pro Try...
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