Brazilian No-Gi Nationals RSS

Bia Mesquita’s speed armbar in the Brazilian No-Gi Nationals

Fighting for the gold medal in the light heavyweight division of the Brazilian No-Gi Nationals held last Saturday at ...

Watch How Jackson Sousa Dealt with Miyao’s Guard at Brazilian No-Gi Nationals

In winning the absolute division at the 2012 Brazilian No-Gi Nationals, CheckMat ace Jackson Sousa had to get past th...

Brazilian national champion teaches that one opening is enough for the finish

A native of the Brazilian capital, Brasilia, won the roosterweight division at last weekend’s Brazilian No-Gi Nationa...

On a tear-drenched mat, Jiu-Jitsu’s essence

It wasn’t just in the elite, adult black belt, division that the Brazilian No-Gi Nationals delivered euphoria and exc...

Who can stop Leandro Lo, the absolute No-Gi champion of Brazil?

The current lightweight champion of the world in Gi Jiu-Jitsu, Leandro Lo has just shown that beating him without the...

Brazilian No-Gi Nationals: Lo and Herbert now two-time champs; see who won at black belt

  The adult black belt divisions had the Rio de Janeiro crowd transfixed this Saturday.   Kudos to Leandro Lo, who ou...

Who’s going to steal the show at the Brazilian No-Gi Nationals this Saturday?

This 27th, a Saturday, Rio de Janeiro’s Tijuca Tennis Club will host the finest of No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu, as current and fu...

Peinado celebrates Brazilian No-Gi Nationals and focuses on 2011

One of the Alliance aces to stick his neck out at last Saturday’s Brazilian No-Gi Nationals, Antonio Peinado secured ...

Businessman, ex-goal keeper and fighter: meet Brazil’s no-gi absolute champion

The Brazilian No-Gi Nationals 2010 saw Victor Costa crowned champion of the main category. The CheckMat representativ...

GSP counts on Ximu in preparing for Koscheck

Now in Montreal, Canada, Gracie Barra black belt Gustavo Ximu contacted “I took a photo with my cell p...

No-Gi Brazilian Nationals decisive day

On the eve of Brazil’s presidential elections, Rio de Janeiro’s Tijuca Tennis Club was stage to the runoff determinin...

Last days for No-Gi Brazilian Nationals sign-up

The next CBJJ/IBJJF tournament in Brazil is the No-Gi Brazilian Nationals, coming up October 30 in Rio de Janeiro’s t...
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