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Gordon Ryan’s Book Reaches #1 New Release On Amazon (On Preorder)

Gordon Ryan, arguably the best no-gi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athlete of all time, recently announced that he’s writing a ...

2 Non-BJJ Books For BJJ

Are there any books – specifically non-BJJ books – that have helped you with your BJJ? Here are two from BJJ black be...

A Roadmap for BJJ – This Book Now Available on Kindle

I’ve just taken my BJJ Manifesto – A Roadmap for BJJ – and turned it into a Kindle book!  So now you can take it with...

Brazilian president’s acceptance speech may inspire you, too

The first female president of Brazil, Dilma Vana Roussef, 63, took office at 4:48 pm on January 1. At the ceremony – ...

Judo Books

Long time readers won’t be surprised when I say that you can learn a lot by studying the techniques used by grapplers...

Old Time Grapplin’

I’m a big fan of old Judo, Jiu-Jitsu and Catch Wrestling books. I have lots and lots of martial arts books, but some ...

Seven Things I Wish I’d Known…

I’m on the road this week, and tonight, on the eve of UFC 99, I find myself in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. I’m excited ab...

Starting BJJ Classes?

If you’re thinking about starting BJJ classes in the New Year, then I want to give you another head’s up about my new...
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