Best of the Best RSS

Paulão Filho takes out Murilo Ninja amid further refereeing controversy

Back in April of 2006, at Pride Bushido 10 in Tokyo, Paulão Filho took two rounds in overcoming Murilo Ninja by unani...

Paulão Filho derruba Murilo Ninja em nova atuação controversa do juiz‏

Em  abril de 2006, em Tóquio, pelo Pride Bushido 10, Paulão Filho precisou de dois rounds para vencer Murilo Ninja po...

Canal Combate garante: Paulão Filho vs Murilo Ninja vai valer o show

O canal Combate transmite nesta quinta-feira, a partir das 20h45, uma das revanches mais pedidas (e adiadas) do MMA b...

Best of the Best celebrates its champions in Omaha

Our GMA in Nebraska Dana Taylor celebrated the success of the 17th installment of the Best of the Best tournament, fe...

Go compete in Omaha

GMA member Dana Taylor, leader of Omaha BJJ, invites for the 16th Best of the Best BJJ Pro-Ams. The event is schedule...

Go compete in Omaha

GMA member Dana Taylor, leader of Omaha BJJ, invites for the 16th Best of the Best BJJ Pro-Ams. The event is schedule...

Best of the Best XV in Omaha

GMA member Dana Taylor, leader of Omaha BJJ, is putting together another edition of the Best of the Best event, a tra...

Best of the Best results

GMA member Dana Taylor announces the results of the Best of The Best Jiu-Jitsu Pro-Ams, held last August 30th. The ev...

Best of the Best results

GMA member Dana Taylor announces the results of the Best of The Best Jiu-Jitsu Pro-Ams, held last August 30th. The ev...

Be the Best of the Best in Omaha

GMA member Dana Taylor, head of Omaha BJJ, in Nebraska, has a invitation to all BJJ lovers. It is the XIV Best of the...

Best of the Best in Omaha

GMA member Dana Taylor, of Omaha BJJ, in Nebraska, is inviting Jiu-Jitsu lovers for a new installment of the Best of ...
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