American Nationals RSS

Checkmat breakout star Thamires Monteiro talks Pan 2021 gold

Women’s jiu-jitsu has been growing fast, and one effect of this is noticeable in IBJJF events. From the blue belt up ...

Marcelo Ribeiro, João Marcelo e os benefícios do intercâmbio no Jiu-Jitsu

Em busca de expandir as fronteiras do Jiu-Jitsu e abrir portas para uma nova geração dentro do cenário competitivo, o...

Jack Douglas talks no-gi BJJ in U.S., celebrates title: “They want a showman”

At just seven months among the sport’s elite, Jack Douglas is starting to capture his first important titles. The 26-...

Five Finger Death Punch’s Zoltan Bathory Earns Double Silver At American Nationals

Five Finger Death Punch guitarist Zoltan Bathory tested himself at the 2021 IBJJF American National Championship over...

Here’s How To Do That Crazy Triangle That Jeremiah Vance Pulled Off At American Nationals

10th Planet black belt Jeremiah Vance made jaws drop when he put his American Nationals opponent to sleep with a crea...

BJJ: Bia Mesquita’s swift choke at the American Nationals

World BJJ champion Bia Mesquita has been spending some time and claiming some necks in the U.S. After fighting in Cal...

Lucas Pinheiro Is Ready To Dominate The Five Grappling Lightweight Superleague — And Have A Blast In The Process

Lucas Pinheiro can’t stop, won’t stop. Fresh off his win in the light featherweight division at the American National...

Following double gold at American Nationals, Lucas Pinheiro seeks Five Grappling title

Lucas Pinheiro recently set out to achieve a bold goal: to win two tournaments in a week. Last weekend the roosterwei...

Keenan Cornelius, Bia Mesquita win double gold at American Nationals

Last weekend, Las Vegas held the IBJJF’s American Nationals. Keenan Corneilus and Beatriz Mesquista came out the big ...

Keenan Cornelius e Bia Mesquita faturam ouro duplo no Campeonato Americano de Jiu-Jitsu

A iluminada cidade de Las Vegas, em Nevada, recebeu no último final de semana o brilho das maiores feras do Jiu-Jitsu...

Hinger Beats Cornelius In No-Gi, Cornelius Beats Hinger In The Gi, Both Win Double Gold

This year’s American Nationals featured some of the oddest results the BJJ media has reported on in…well, maybe histo...

Watch how Mikey Musumeci beat João Miyao at the 2016 American Nationals

The IBJJF’s number-three-ranked black-belt, João Miyao didn’t get the expected result at the American Nationals, held...
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