blue belt RSS

Don’t f*ck with Zuck: Meta CEO promoted to BJJ blue belt

Meta Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been promoted to blue belt in BJJ by his coach Dave Camarillo. Camarillo was...

Mark Zuckerberg Promoted To BJJ Blue Belt

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook and Meta founder & CEO, has been promoted to BJJ blue belt! The promotion took place la...

Brazilian Football Player João Gomes Promoted To BJJ Blue Belt

João Gomes is a Brazilian football player who plays as a midfielder for the Premier League club Wolverhampton Wandere...

Tom Hardy Responds To Opponent Who Beat Him In A BJJ Match: “Brother, You Were Great”

Tom Hardy isn’t just “one of the celebrities” who train Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Far from it, as he takes his training se...

Jocko Willink & Dean Lister: “100 Start Training BJJ, 40 Get The Blue Belt,

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is becoming increasingly popular and more and more people start training it with each passing yea...

Tom DeBlass: “Tom Hardy Is A Very Solid BJJ Blue Belt”

Tom Hardy is a 4-stripe BJJ blue belt… But how good, really, are his Jiu-Jitsu skills? Well, Tom DeBlass – who’s been...

Tom DeBlass’s Advice for BJJ Beginners: “Keep Jiu-Jitsu A Game, Keep It Fun”

Are you interested in starting out with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? Or have you already begun training… But somewhat feel ov...

Fabio Gurgel: “Promoting A Student To Blue Belt Is One Of The Coolest Feelings A Coach Can Experience”

Receiving your blue belt is one of the most important steps on your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu journey. For, it shows that y...

7 Tips For Getting Your BJJ Purple Belt Promotion

Going from blue to the purple belt is not an easy task. Sure, you could’ve received your blue belt just on the basis ...

The Real Reason Why Belt Rank Doesn’t Matter In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Yeah, you’ve probably heard others say it time and time again… That belt rank doesn’t matter in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. ...

„Am I… Am I The Rest Round In My Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu School?“

Don’t tell us… The other people in your BJJ school have started crushing you, haven’t they? In particular, there are ...

Are You A New BJJ Blue Belt? Don’t Make This Mistake

So you were promoted to a BJJ blue belt… Congratulations! It took a lot of effort, sweat, and consistency to get wher...
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