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Proposed Michigan Police Reform Bill Would Require Officers to Hold Blue Belt in BJJ

Police reform has been a hot topic across the country for well over a year, with many states and cities enacting a wi...

Jacob Rodriguez, Brother Of “Nicky Rod,” Earns BJJ Blue Belt

Nineteen-year-old Jacob Rodriguez, the younger brother of ADCC silver medalist Nicky Rodriguez, is now a blue belt in...

Demi Lovato Speaks About Jiu Jitsu being “Meditative” and “Empowering”

The hype of celebrities jumping on board the jiu jitsu train has increased over the past decade, and the sport is gai...

This Legal “Performance Enhancer” Is Perfect For Struggling White Belts

If you’re sick of the white belt struggle, your performance may be improved with just a little “artificial assistance...

Should Blue Belts Be Allowed To Slam?

This morning I sat down with a cup of coffee and turned on the replay of Fight To Win 149 that happened Friday night,...

Gregor Gillespie Earns Blue Belt After 9 Years of BJJ

UFC Lightweight and proud owner of a 13-1 MMA record, Gregor Gillespie has only just been awarded his blue belt in BJ...

Why Do So Many People Quit BJJ at Blue Belt?

Many Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioners quit long before reaching the all inspired level of black belt. This may be fo...

Opinion: Do BJJ Belts Matter?

As you progress through the BJJ belts you’ll meet many white belts who have no problem making it known that they’re c...

Russell Brand Talks About His BJJ Blue Belt Promotion

Why so blue, Russell? Professional funny man and new world philosopher Russell Brand took to YouTube yesterday to dis...

How to Beat the Blue Belt Blues

If you’ve been practicing for a while, you’ve probably heard the term “Blue Belt Blues”. You may have even seen train...

Lost Weight; Gained Life Success: Frankie Orr

Age:38 Height: 6’2 Starting Weight: 330 Current Weight: 215 Hometown: Sacramento Home Gym: WAZA BJJ Instructor: Derek...

He Lost His Leg And Was Nearly Killed 10 Years Ago. Last Month, He Earned His Blue Belt

Some days it can be hard to find the motivation to go train. We all hear about the blue belt blues, but for one man, ...
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