Alexandre Cacareco RSS

A classic between Drysdale and Cacareco

Robert Drysdale é um dos destaques da GRACIEMAG #173, em todas as bancas. Na edição, o faixa-preta, que segue invicto...

Um clássico entre Robert e Cacareco

Robert Drysdale é um dos destaques da GRACIEMAG #173, em todas as bancas. Na edição, o faixa-preta, que segue invicto...

Latest from UFC: Cacareco cut loose, Rashad opponentless, BJ Penn…

Alexandre Cacareco got his walking papers from the UFC. After he asked out of two opportunities to face former teamma...

Últimas do UFC: Cacareco demitido, Rashad sem oponente, BJ Penn

Alexandre Cacareco está fora do UFC. Depois de ser anunciado duas oportunidades distintas para enfrentar o ex-companh...

Cacareco lets down Palhares again; Dan Miller takes his place

Tipped to fight Alexandre Cacareco August 27 at UFC Rio, Rousimar Toquinho will now have to prepare for a different o...

Cacareco deixa Toquinho novamente na mão; vem aí Dan Miller

Programado para enfrentar Alexandre Cacareco no UFC Rio, no dia 27 de agosto, Rousimar Toquinho vai ter outro oponent...

Toquinho vs. Cacareco made for UFC Rio

According to the website, soon the first big all-Brazilian bout should be announced for UFC Rio. Ro...

Cacareco’s ordeal: fighter loses family members, job, and won’t be facing Toquinho

Known for his prowess on the ground, Alexandre Cacareco has reached a crossroads. Unable to make contact with the ath...

Cacareco and master comment on impending UFC debut

Alexandre Cacareco wreaking havoc on his opponents is no recent thing, whether at grappling tournaments, like the ADC...

Besides Bráulio, Shine roster stacked

The next installment of Shine takes place the coming 15th of May in North Carolina. Today, already comm...
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