Army Rangers RSS

The Marines defend the Jiu-Jitsu flag too

Recently, the Marines celebrated their 235th anniversary and Gracie Barra San Clemente was there to honor them in mil...

August 11 – A day to remember

(By David Corrigan* – Today is Pedro Brandao Lacerda’s birthday. Pedro was my teacher in Bra...

Pedro Brandão in memoriam

On the 29th of May this year, exactly one month ago, Pedro “Pedrinho” Brandão died unexpectedly. Everyone who knew hi...

Brain aneurism victim Pedrinho Brandao

The sum of a man’s life is not measured by the words he says or the promises he makes. It’s calculated by the actions...

U.S. Army calls up 9 for Jiu-Jitsu Pan

The Pan Jiu-Jitsu will have at least one true elite troop. Decked out in camouflaged gi and everything, probably. We’...

Soca receives Rangers’ instructor in Long Island

Check out a video showing Soca’s BJJ academy in Long Island.
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