Bow and Arrow Choke RSS

This Bow & Arrow Choke Variation Works Great From Closed Guard

Did you know that there is a way to set up the Bow and Arrow Choke from Closed Guard? You didn’t? Well, here is how t...

Helena Crevar Shows How To Do The Bow & Arrow Choke

A Bow & Arrow Choke, is a chokehold used in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and other grappling arts. To perform a Bow & ...

Felipe Pena Shows A Different Bow & Arrow Choke Variation

The back is there to be taken! It’s no coincidence that taking someone’s back is regarded as the most powerful positi...

[Watch] Tom Hardy Wins BJJ Tournament via Bow & Arrow Choke and Straight Ankle Lock

The BJJ community has lately been talking a lot about Tom Hardy, the world-famous actor; as he’s started appearing in...

How to Apply the Bow and Arrow Choke in Jiu-Jitsu

The bow and arrow choke is one of the highest percentage finishing techniques in all of jiu-jitsu. Statistically it’s...

JT Torres Shares Secret Details on Improving Your Bow & Arrow Choke

When you get to the nitty-gritty of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, you’ll start understanding just how many details go into mak...

The 6 Steps of a Good Submission

Did you know that there’s an actual physics and biomechanics-based procedure that’ll definitely help you tap out many...

Bow and Arrow Chokes in the Street, with Adam Nadow

Jiu-jitsu black belt Adam Nadow was recently attacked in the street and used his training to defend himself and contr...

Shift Your Grip To Make The Bow and Arrow Extra Lethal

To say Wade Rome is a big jiu-jitsu guy is kind of an understatement. A longtime black belt with decades in the sport...

How To Tighten Up Your Bow And Arrow Choke And Prevent Escapes

  Our new Facebook group is quickly becoming a place where you can get your...

The Rolling Bow & Arrow Choke With A Modified Grip For BJJ

The Judo rolling bow and arrow choke has been modified for success in a Brazilian jiu-jitsu rule set. The key is in t...

A Bow and Arrow Choke Escape

The bow and arrow choke is one of the most powerful chokes from the back in the entire BJJ repertoire. Many matches i...
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