JT Torres Shares Secret Details on Improving Your Bow & Arrow Choke

When you get to the nitty-gritty of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, you’ll start understanding just how many details go into making a technique work. Sure, when you’re training against less experienced training partners, you can get away without using too many particularities; but when it comes to going against your peers or those who have more experience… You need to use everything at your disposal.
For example, if you enjoy going for the Bow & Arrow Choke as much as JT Torres does, you absolutely need to hear his tips on tweaking it properly!

JT shared the details on using the Bow & Arrow Choke, as well as the reason why he enjoys doing it so much, in an interview for BJJ Eastern Europe:

I’m going to have to say that my favorite submission is the Bow And Arrow. I love the Bow And Arrow Choke and that’s because, in my opinion – if done right – it’s really hard for a person to escape it.

One detail that I teach my students all the time and that I’ll share with you guys is this one: when you go for the bow and arrow and after you’ve hooked the leg, you always want to make sure that you fall towards your hip that’s facing your partner’s legs. If you fall flat on your butt or flat on your back, or you fall towards your head, then there’s actually an opportunity for them to escape.
Whereas, if you fall towards your hip that’s facing their legs, you make it into such an angle that it’s very difficult for them to turn either way. Whether they try to go to the left or right, they’re simply going to go deeper into the choke.

There’s one another critical component to finishing the Bow & Arrow Choke:

And another piece of advice is hooking the leg. Hook the leg, don’t make the grip outside of the pants. Actually hook the leg, like a fishhook, and then fall on your hip that’s facing your opponent’s legs.
You’re going to have a much higher finishing rate with these two details.

Go for it on your very next training session – and don’t forget to read the rest of our interview with JT Torres on the following link.

The post JT Torres Shares Secret Details on Improving Your Bow & Arrow Choke appeared first on Bjj Eastern Europe.

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