Brazilian Nationals 2010 RSS

Back in Brazil, Tarsis hones skills to win second world title

Alliance standout Tarsis Humphreys won the World Championship for the first time in 2010. Last season, at a medium he...

Tanquinho double dose at US Open

There much time left to secure a spot at the US Open, one of the longest-running events in the USA, with fifteen year...

Felipe Costa’s wanderings in Alaska

In this sixth episode the Brasa rep visits the far-off North American state of Alaska and prepares for the Brazilian ...

Bernardo represents Jiu-Jitsu among big names of sport

The sports complex of the physical education faculty of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora was inaugurated. Athle...

Bernardo Faria consolidated

Check out the fighter's trajectory to the top

Cavaca and the secrets behind his deadly footlock

There were a lot of standouts at the 2010 Jiu-Jitsu World Championship, one of the most hotly-disputed since the inau...

It’s win, win, win for Gui Mendes

2009 light featherweight world champion Guilherme Mendes hopes to repeat the feat in this year in California. As moti...

Murilo Santana split between JJ and MMA

This year’s champion of Brazil Murilo Santana is now preparing for the Jiu-Jitsu World Championship, which starts thi...

Durinho and the road to his first world title

In fine form, Gilbert Durinho is coming off a series of big wins in the lightweight division. He won the Lutador Grap...

Toothless, but with two medals

Tarsis Humphreys was wracked with a slew of problems that hindered him in competition. First came a knee injury and t...

Brazilian team champion issues provocation: “The dream of the grand slam is over”

CheckMat had a great showing and took the team title for the adult category at the Brazilian National Jiu-Jitsu Champ...

Dynamic duo promises repeat at Worlds

Professor Marcos Barbosinha’s duo put in a brilliant performance at the Brazilian Nationals. Tiago Alves and Murilo S...
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