Murilo Santana split between JJ and MMA

Photo: Carlos Ozório

This year’s champion of Brazil Murilo Santana is now preparing for the Jiu-Jitsu World Championship, which starts this coming June 3, in California. The Marcos Barbosinha student is also dedicated to MMA, though.

Murilo against Victor Bonfim at the Brazilian Nationals. Photo: Carlos Ozório

“I was training like mad to make my MMA debut, but the fight ended up not happening. What’s more, up until two weeks before the Brazilian Nationals I was training without the gi for MMA,” recounts the black belt.

Despite his desire to make his debut in the rings and cages, Murilo is now focused on the Worlds, from which he wants to return with gold around his neck; but his initiation in the mixed modality should still come about this year.

“Now I put the gi back on and I’ll return to MMA training after the Worlds,” he guarantees.

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