Bitetti Combat 7 RSS

Paulão talks of next fight and challenges Shogun

Paulo Filho took almost everyone by surprise with his inclusion on the card for this coming Friday’s Memorial Fight Q...

Cristiano Marcello requests no contest

The fight between Cristiano Marcello and Costa Rican fighter Alejandro “Mandarina” Solano at Bitetti Combat stirred u...

Images that marked Bitetti Combat 7

Bitetti Combat 7 served up eight bouts at the Fundição Progresso concert hall in Rio de Janeiro this Friday. Besides ...

Ninja relies on Jiu-Jitsu at Bitetti Combat

Bitetti Combat 7 featured some good bouts and a bit of controversy this Friday night in Rio de Janeiro. The highlight...

Mario Yamasaki: “Dana White’s a good boss”

UFC referee and Jiu-Jitsu black belt Mario Yamasaki will see action this Friday at Bitetti Combat in Rio de Janeiro. ...

Manager comments on Jeff Monson’s absence

For the third time, Jeff Monson was expected to face Glover Teixeira at Bitetti Combat and pulled out. Jeff’s manager...

Ninja to fight in Australia too

Set to fight at Shine Fights, Murilo Ninja saw the event go under on the day of the fight, when he was already in the...

Ninja confirmed for Bitetti Combat

The Bitetti Combat organization this Monday confirmed the presence of Murilo Ninja on the card for the seventh instal...

Bitetti Combat 7 announces card

The promoters of Bitetti Combat 7 have confirmed a May-28 date for the next event, at the Fundição Progresso concert ...

Bitetti Combat 7 coming up

The promoters of Bitetti Combat just confirmed the next installment of the event is set for the Fundição Progresso co...
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