5th American Cup RSS

Catch the final chapter of Baywatch actor’s stint in Jiu-Jitsu

Is it realistic for a celebrity to become a Jiu-Jitsu champion after only 90 days of training? Find out how the story...

The thrills of a Jiu-Jitsu championship in 8.5 minutes

Check out the highlight video from the 5th American Cup, an annual Jiu-Jitsu tournament where rising stars take front...

Final stretch for American Cup sign-ups

The 5th American Cup is just around the corner, and some of the stars to put appearences in there are wrapping up the...

Santa Cruz tourney Jiu-Jitsu by the Sea sign-ups end today

Anyone hoping to get in on the action this Saturday, March 24 in sunny Santa Cruz, California, had better bust a move...

Fifth American Cup coming up

The creators of the US Open, our GMA Claudio Franca Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, are proud to announce the fourth annual Amer...

Ex-Baywatch star accepts challenge of 5th American Cup

Rickson Gracie used to say that Jiu-Jitsu is a vast ocean, so you’d better try and be a shark, even against opponents...
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