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Taking the Back from Half Guard Using the Kimura Grip

Learning the swinging Kimura backtake is important for at least two reasons… First, it’s a legitimate way of defendin...

Knee Mount Escape to Backside 50/50

If you can do the basic backward somersault, then I’ve got a pretty spectacular and highly effective kneemount escape...

The SOS Position, The Rosetta Stone of the Omoplata

The omoplata is a very deep position.  There are so many different entries, transitions, defences, escapes, and recou...

A Quickstart Guide to the Omoplata in Jiu-Jitsu

This step-by-step guide is designed for you to quickly incorporate the omoplata into your game and build a solid foun...

How to Do the Shotgun Ankle Lock

Rob Biernacki wanted to show me something. It was an ankle lock variation that he’d recently successfully used to win...

BJJ Trigger Positions

Trigger positions make it easy for you to know when it’s time to attack in jiu-jitsu. Knowing the trigger position fo...

Three Critical Control Points You Must Have to Apply a Good Leglock

It’s a terrible thing to do all that work to get into a good leglock position only to have your opponent find enough ...

The Step by Step Aoki Lock

The Aoki lock is an incredibly versatile submission that can instantly turn the tables in a match. You can apply it i...

Rolling Back Take from 3/4 Mount

Rolling backtakes have become part of modern jiu-jitsu but are undeniably intimidating. To help you become comfortabl...

The Three Most Important Back Mount Escapes

Having someone on your back in back mount or rear mount is a terrible situation in jiu-jitsu, especially if he’s doin...

How to do the Low Single for No Gi Grappling

The low single is a variation of the single leg takedown, which is one of the staple techniques of wrestling. Probabl...

How to Set Up Submissions

A reader of my free email newsletter recently had a question about how to become better at setting up his submissions...
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