Rob Biernacki wanted to show me something. It was an ankle lock variation that he’d recently successfully used to win a match at the ADCC Open.
Now I’ve seen a lot of ankle locks in my day. I’ve even done highly specific training of the muscles on the front of my shin in order to better resist getting ankle locked.
But NOTHING could prepare me for this.
He applied the footlock, and instantly I thought my foot was about to explode.
This wasn’t the usual compression of the Achilles and stretching of the front of the foot kind of pain. Instead it felt like the inside of my ankle was about to separate. I couldn’t tap fast enough!!
What he had just done to me was the so-called ‘Shotgun Ankle Lock’ (aka the Polish Ankle Lock). This is a brand new way of applying the footlock developed by Polish Grappler Mateusz Szczeciński that’s been making the rounds at the highest levels but hasn’t percolated down to most regular grapplers.
Here’s a detailed analysis of the breaking mechanics for the Shotgun Ankle Lock. They’re subtle, yes, but there was probably a time that you thought the finishing mechanics of the triangle choke were subtle…
I’m telling you, this is a gamechanger. From personal experience, I swear that if you get it right, then your opponent will tap out instantly!
Based on the effectiveness of this variation Rob and I ended up filming and entire mini-course on the Shotgun Ankle Lock that we just added as a free bonus to the Cutting Edge Leglocks instructional.

The new bonus section added to Cutting Edge Leglocks
That instructional is already ridiculously detailed and complete, but it just got even better.
For a limited time it now comes with TWO amazing bonuses, and an unconditional 365 day moneyback guarantee, so all the risk is taken off your shoulders and onto mine (which is where it belongs).
Click here to check out Cutting Edge Leglocks and the two amazing bonuses.
Then go leglock some training partners who thought they were immune to ankle locks for me!
Cutting Edge Leglocks, the instructional by Rob Biernacki and Stephan Kesting
The post How to Do the Shotgun Ankle Lock appeared first on Grapplearts.