Strength & Conditioning RSS

Tips for Shedding Those Last Few Pounds: Exploring CoolSculpting and Other Effective Strategies

Losing weight can be a challenging journey, and sometimes, those last few stubborn pounds seem to cling on for dear l...

9 Bodyweight Exercises To Level Up Your Jiu-Jitsu

Guest post by Evolve MMA, Asia’s premier championship brand for martial arts. It has the most number of World Champio...

Box Jumps: A Must-Do Exercise For Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Athletes

Many athletes focus more on strengthening their upper body instead of focusing on their lower body. While strong shou...

Everything You Need to Know About Bulking And Gains for Jiu-Jitsu

Guest post by Evolve MMA, Asia’s premier championship brand for martial arts. It has the most number of World Champio...

Build Elite Level Strength With These Five Variations Of The Farmer’s Carry

Guest post by Evolve MMA, Asia’s premier championship brand for martial arts. It has the most number of World Champio...

2 Minute Body weight workout for BJJ

Kettle-Jitsu body weight flows are an excellent source of conditioning for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, fat loss and other co...

Gas on The Mat: Simple Fixes To Improve Your Cardio For Jiu-Jitsu

Endurance is the most important physical attribute you can possess, and there’s nothing worse than gassing out on the...

The Secret To Insane Grappling Strength: Isometric Training

Have you ever grappled with a seemingly unassuming training partner that seemed to be extremely strong and dish out t...

Develop Insane Jiu-Jitsu Strength with These 5 Simple Exercises

If you are a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) enthusiast looking to improve your performance on the mats, it is important to...

A Better Deadlift Variation For BJJ & Easier on the Lower Back

The deadlift is an integral part of traditional bodybuilding and many athletes’ strength and conditioning programs. T...

12 Strength And Conditioning Exercises For BJJ

Guest post by Evolve MMA, Asia’s premier championship brand for martial arts. It has the most number of World Champio...

Improve Your Mobility on the Jiu-Jitsu Mats With the Asian Squat

Mobility plays a huge role in your Brazilian jiu-jitsu game. Having flexible hips and moving freely will significantl...
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