Spider Guard RSS

Countergripping – What to Do if You Can’t Break Your Opponent’s Grips.

We all know how important it is to break grips when you’re in someones guard, right? For example, if someone has a de...

How to Train BJJ with an Injured Neck

Necks are delicate things.  Seven small stacked cervical vertebrae protecting all the nerves in your spinal cord and ...

Mastering Spider Guard: With Mauricio “Tinguinha” Mariano

Baseball has “Buck” Showalter, basketball has Larry Brown, football has Bill Parcells, and boxing has Emanuel Steward...

3 Spider Guard Drills to Improve Your Sweeping and Submissions

The last time I had a filming session with my friend and training partner Ritchie Yip who runs a BJJ school in Vancou...

Black Belt Steven Grossi Demonstrates How To Do The Spider Guard Sweep

It may be rough on your fingers, but spider guard is a super useful position once you know how to use it. In this tec...

3 Fixes for Sore Fingers in BJJ

So I got a question the other day from someone looking for advice about the pain and inflammation they have in their ...

Your Open Guard Options vs. Standing Opponents

If you end up on the bottom with your opponent standing up and detached from you then be prepared for a very frantic ...

Thursday Class: Leo Vieira Teaches How to Pass the Spider Guard

Leo Vieira is celebrating another birthday this Thursday. The founder of Checkmat has influenced so many people with ...

A Simple Drill to Shut Down Your Opponent’s Guard Pass

  I don’t usually have to spend a lot of time sitting around and dreaming up new crazy techniques to put onto my Yout...

Leg Lasso Spider Guard Pass

If you’ve ever been caught in the leg lasso position by someone with a good spider guard then you’ll know exactly how...

Learn from Master 2 double gold medalist Flavio Almeida the workings of the DLR/Spider guard

Gracie Barra’s Flavio Almeida was one of the standouts of the recent Worlds Masters, in Las Vegas. With a powerful pe...

5 Spider Guard Videos

If you do jiu-jitsu in the kimono, you have no doubt encountered a strong spider guard player who has controlled your...
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