heel hook RSS

The Modern Leglock Formula is Out!

The Modern Leglock Formula is finally out and it’s the best leglock instructional that I’ve ever seen. Rob Biernacki,...

Jiu-Jitsu: A chave de calcanhar certeira de Rousimar Toquinho na Rússia

Faixa-preta de Jiu-Jitsu e finalizador eficiente, Rousimar “Toquinho” Palhares colocou mais uma perna em sua vasta co...

The Most Powerful No Gi Leglock

If you’ve been following the no gi grappling scene at all you’ve surely noticed how many matches are finished with le...

How To Do A Basic Heel Hook

“Guest post by Evolve Vacation. The Evolve Vacation Program offers travelers the rare opportunity of a lifetime to co...

Here’s How Nicky Ryan Pulled Off His X-Pass Heel Hook

Most of us hardcore grappling fans probably saw Nicky Ryan’s under-four-minute win over Marvin Castelle last weekend ...

Awesome Transition To Heel Hook

Here is an excellent transition to a heel hook posted by HeelHooks & Happiness. It’s definitely not a beginner’s ...

BJJ: See how Garry Tonon finished Shinya Aoki in the One FC cage

Last Friday Garry Tonon was able to flaunt some more of his BJJ skills, at the One FC edition dubbed Dynasty of Heroe...

Jiu-Jitsu: Veja como Garry Tonon finalizou Shinya Aoki no cage do One FC

Faixa-preta de Jiu-Jitsu formado na academia de Renzo Gracie, Garry Tonon se especializou na arte suave sem kimono, c...

Is Really Position vs Submission? Sometimes You Can Have Both…

One of the fundamental rules of BJJ is that you should value ‘Position over Submission.’ This means is that you shoul...

Shut Down Ashi Garami And Heel Hooks

If you don’t know this simple little trick already, you’ll wonder why you didn’t think of it before, because it’s rea...

Eddie Cummings’ Control And Heel Hook From EBI 10

Kent Peters and ZombieProofBJJ are back to show you more moves from the Danaher Death Squad.  This one is Eddie Cummi...

Seated Guard Imanari Roll To Heel Hook

Kent Peters and ZombieProofBJJ show us a seated guard imanari roll to heel hook. The post Seated Guard Imanari Roll T...
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