Fabio Gurgel RSS

Os 2 únicos treinos aeróbicos que Fabio Gurgel consegue fazer após os 50 anos

No fim de junho, Fabio Gurgel entrevistava Dani Genovesi, campeã mundial de Jiu-Jitsu, preparadora física e ciclista,...

The Folding Guard Pass for No Gi and MMA

The folding pass is a bread and butter guard pass that everyone should know. That’s because the folding pass can be u...

Medo do coronavírus? O que o Jiu-Jitsu nos ensinou para encarar a pandemia

1. A lição de Roger Gracie Sempre que alguém estranhava o temperamento manso e tranquilão de Roger Gracie, o tricampe...

How To Do the Over-Under Pass

The over-under guard pass is one of the classic pressure passes in BJJ.   In it you absolutely kill your opponent’s h...

O que aprendi sobre Jiu-Jitsu ao fotografar campeonatos, por Jair “Sinistro” Lacerda

“Comecei minha paixão pelo Jiu-Jitsu em 1996, quando um amigo de colégio, o hoje faixa-preta Douglas Ladislau, começo...

The 7 deadly sins of BJJ, and which of them harms you most

The BJJ student who seeks to train religiously and be blessed by constant progress must avoid the vices that harm the...

Fabio Gurgel teaches how to escape the 50/50 guard (part 1)

Fábio Gurgel ensina com exclusividade aos leitores de a saída para polêmica guarda 50/50.

“Jiu-Jitsu Nowadays Is Much More Effective”, Fabio Gurgel on Old vs Modern Jiu-Jitsu

In this clip of my epic talk with BJJ black belt legend Fabio Gurgel on The Strenuous Life Podcast he talks about whe...

O dia em que Gabi Garcia recebeu a faixa-preta e as lições que você pode tirar disso

Mar calmo nunca fez grandes navegadores, certo? E um exemplo vivo desta máxima, aplicada integralmente no Jiu-Jitsu, ...

How to Set Traps for Your Opponent in BJJ

Today I want to talk about setting traps for your opponent in BJJ. The idea is that you force your opponent into a po...

How to Pass Closed Guard with the Stack Pass

If you’re caught in the closed guard against a skilled opponent then you’re in serious trouble. Give him time and you...

Passing and Smashing Inverted Guard, by Fabio Gurgel

Passing the guard of an extremely flexible player can be really annoying. You get close to passing and they simply fl...
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