Fabio Gurgel RSS

Fabio Gurgel: “I Was 15 Years Old When I Understood I Wanted To Live Off Jiu-Jitsu”

Not many people can claim that they’ve found their life purpose when they were teenagers. However, Fabio Gurgel is on...

Fabio Gurgel: “The More Respect There Is, The More We Will Have True Jiu-Jitsu”

Fabio Gurgel is a world-famous BJJ professor, as well as a CEO and head coach of the greatly reputable Alliance Jiu-J...

A Heavy Knee Cut Pass vs Butterfly Guard

The butterfly guard is a very dangerous position. It offers your opponent the ability to come after you with powerful...

Fabio Gurgel: “There’s No Big Secret – You Have To Work Hard, Be Loyal And Honest”

If you’re a BJJ coach/instructor/professor, then you’re probably on the lookout for ways to become better in your job...

Fabio Gurgel: “BJJ Beginners Should Be Taught Self-Defense Before Anything Else”

Imagine going to your first Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class, being clueless so as to what BJJ actually looks like. You kind...

Fabio Gurgel: “More Money In BJJ Is A Good Thing, But…”

As a general rule, there should be more money in BJJ. Why? Well, because more money equals bigger paychecks for the a...

Fabio Gurgel: “Never Stop Training, No Matter How Hard It Gets”

Training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is never easy. Even though you may enjoy it a lot, rolling will, for the most part, stay...

Jiu-Jitsu x luta livre: o estilo de Fabio Gurgel no vale-tudo

Há precisos 30 anos, um time e tanto de representantes do Jiu-Jitsu entrava no ar, ao vivo pela televisão aberta, par...

O Jiu-Jitsu voltado para o UFC do craque Demian Maia

O que o astro do UFC Demian Maia aprendeu sobre Jiu-Jitsu e defesa pessoal após 20 anos como lutador de MMA profissio...

Fabio Gurgel e o peso da decisão de viver do Jiu-Jitsu

* Artigo publicado originalmente nas páginas da GRACIEMAG #261. Para mais conteúdos exclusivos com o melhor do Jiu-Ji...

A lição de Rickson que mudou a vida do premiado chef Alex Atala

    Qual é a maior qualidade que o aprendiz é capaz de admirar num bom mestre? Uma das mais úteis, sem dúvida, é aque...

Aprenda a ter uma equipe de Jiu-Jitsu de sucesso, com Fabio Gurgel

Em uma hora de papo sem firulas, Fabio Gurgel deu uma aula de motivação, gestão de talentos e administração de academ...
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