Fabio Gurgel RSS

Gurgel enters European as adult

Fabio Gurgel will no longer compete at the European in the masters and seniors division, he informed reporter Ivan Tr...

Last chance to compete at the European Championship in Lisbon

Among the many attractions the Portuguese capital has to offer, between the 28th and 31st of January Lisbon will also...

Alliance boards elite squad to take the empty throne in Lisbon

The star from Pernambuco Braulio “Carcará” Estima (Gracie Barra) will be the greatest absence from the European Jiu-J...

Fabio Gurgel makes room

Fabio Gurgel demonstrates how to create space to get up from under side-control

Nuzman on Jiu-Jitsu in the Olympics

Realistically speaking, the chances of the Gentle Art being admitted into the Olympic Games as a sport are nothing to...


We called on General Fábio Gurgel, famous for the wringer he puts his adversaries through, to illustrate the December...

Honeymoon in the gi for Lucas Lepri

Not even as a newlywed does Lucas Lepri pass up the chance to compete. Currently residing in New York, the Minas Gera...

Alliance heads to the Middle East

Fabio Gurgel revealed to first hand where the newest branch of Team Alliance will open its doors: Bahra...

Romero Jacare: ‘It was the hardest year of my life’

“When I got a call from Luca Atalla wishing me a happy 57th birthday, I had a flashback to these 30-or-so years – eve...
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