Covid 19 RSS

Gordon Ryan and Craig Jones COVID-19 Positive?

Unfortunate news has hit the jiu jitsu world. Gordon Ryan and Craig Jones are suffering from COVID-like symptoms. The...

Mask Wearing and the Culture War During Pandemics in the USA

If you’ve followed me at all these last 6 months you’ll know that I was early to speak to the BJJ community about tak...

Dealing with the Stress When You Cannot Grapple

Many of you may have experienced an increase in stress, anxiety, and frustration after finding out that your gym will...

Pesquisa da SJJSAF aponta que mais de 90% dos atletas gostariam de competir ainda em 2020

Em tempos de pandemia e do tão falado “novo normal” a SJJSAF (Sport Jiu Jitsu South American Federation) fez uma pesq...

As máscaras ajudam ou atrapalham na hora do exercício físico?

Texto: Rafael Luciano de Mello* A propagação da Covid-19 ao redor do mundo trouxe inúmeras mudanças no cotidiano, des...

BJJ and Covid 19 Update, with Dr Chris Moriarty

Dr Moriarty is a medical doctor and had a long fierce career as a BJJ competitor who previously published guidelines ...

Como não enlouquecer na pandemia, por Raphael Abi-Rihan

Texto: Raphael Abi-Rihan* * Artigo publicado originalmente nas páginas da GRACIEMAG. Para mais conteúdos exclusivos c...

BJJ WOODSTOCK: Sub Spectrum’s “Three Days of Peace” To Be The Biggest Party In Martial Arts

Is it a day ending in Y in the year 2020? Then odds are you’re reading this on a friend’s phone after your house burn...

Disunity, Division and Conspiracy Theory in the BJJ Community During Covid 19 (Podcast)

Today I’m joined by Thomas Nadelhoffer an associate professor in the philosophy department at the College of Charlest...

Gracie Barra Texas to Resume In-Person Classes

This afternoon, GB Texas head instructor and BJJ legend Vinicius “Draculino” Magalhaes announced that his school woul...

UAEJJF organiza torneio com 60 atletas em Abu Dhabi neste sábado

Os principais atletas do Jiu-Jitsu dos Emirados Árabes Unidos voltarão à ação neste fim de semana, em um torneio de r...

BREAKING: Jacare Souza Tests Positive For COVID-19, Pulled From UFC 249

Ronaldo “Jacare” Souza has been pulled from his scheduled main card bout with Uriah Hall at UFC 249 this Saturday fol...
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