Takedown RSS

Vagner Rocha Explains How To Do The Ankle Pick Takedown

The Ankle Pick is such a great takedown for jiujiteiros – even though it does (as all techniques do, truth be told) r...

Omoplata Counter vs Single Leg Takedown: Works Better Than You Think

Ah, the Single Leg… We know, we know. You actually do like this takedown technique, even though you suck at it. But y...

The Ankle Roll Is A Great Single Leg Takedown Defense

Ah, the Single Leg… We know, we know. You actually do like this takedown technique, even though you suck at it. But y...

The “Knee Tap” Takedown Is Super Easy (You Have To Learn It Today)

If you have no knowledge of takedowns, which is a nice way of saying that you suck takedowns, you may want to look at...

BJJ Takedown Advice: Make ‘Em Stumble First

Could your takedowns use some work? Yeah, they probably could… Which is why you shouldn’t focus on techniques alone. ...

Dante Leon Shows The Double Leg Body Lock To The Back Setup

The transition between standing techniques and ground techniques are rarely taught in BJJ. This is a small window of ...

This Is One Of The Easiest Single Leg Takedown Finishes (You Have To Learn It)

Getting to the Single Leg is already hard… But getting the actual takedown can be even tougher. Especially if your op...

BJJ Athletes: Improve Your Wrestling Skills With The “Slide-By”

What do you think: how important is wrestling in Jiu-Jitsu? Particularly in no-gi? Well, almost every professional an...

Kaynan Duarte Has A Super Simple Way To Finish The Rear Body Lock Takedown

Do you suck at takedowns? No shame in it; but you have to do something about that… At least if you don’t want to spen...

Reinier de Ridder Shows A Simple & Effective Single Leg Takedown For MMA

If you want to train mixed martial arts (MMA) and use Jiu-Jitsu to your advantage, then you need to learn how to set ...

Nick Rodriguez Shows A Super Useful Mat Return Drill

What do you think: how important is wrestling in Jiu-Jitsu? Particularly in no-gi? Well, almost every professional an...

Nick Rodriguez Shows A Simple Wrestling Drill Against A Stationary Partner

What do you think: how important is wrestling in Jiu-Jitsu? Particularly in no-gi? Well, almost every professional an...
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