Mount RSS

Henry Akins Demonstrates Americana Lock When Opponent Locks Arms

The Ude Garami aka the ‘Americana’ is probably the first submission you will learn in a Jiu-Jitsu class. It’s very ba...

The “Lumbar Crush To Elevator” Is A Great Way To Escape Mount

Basics… Work! And they work well, but the thing a lot of jiujiteiros make a mistake in is in thinking that just becau...

David Avellan Shows How To Finish The Mounted Kimura

Kimura trap system is widely credited to David Avellan, ADCC bronze medalist and a man of many other accomplishments!...

Henry Akins Shows How To Transition To Mount From Half Guard

Most Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athletes and coaches would argue that the most dominant position in Jiu-Jitsu is the back co...

Jeff Glover Shows How To Do The Kimura – From Bottom Mount

Stuck in Mount? What do you think about… Going for a Kimura? Playing defense in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is most commonly ...

Buchecha Shows A Really Explosive Mount Escape To Butterfly Guard

Getting stuck in Mount is one of the worst spots to be in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Especially if your opponent knows what...

This Mount Escape Is Great For Jiu-Jitsu – But Terrible For MMA

Listen up: there’s a pretty high chance that you’re making Jiu-Jitsu way more complicated than it really is. Other th...

Here’s How To Transition To Mount After Losing Back Control In BJJ

The Mount is the second-most dominant position you could get to in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. But it can also be extremely ...

Isolating The Hips: The Mount Escape Detail You Don’t Use

The Shrimp (i.e. Hip Escape) is one of the most fundamental moves in BJJ and probably one of the first ones you’ll le...

Here’s How To Counter The Mount “Leg Escape” In Jiu-Jitsu

The mount position is one of the most dominant controlling positions in BJJ. It is one of the fundamental positions i...

Roger Gracie Shows A Great Wrist Lock Setup From Mount

Most Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athletes and coaches would argue that the most dominant position in Jiu-Jitsu is the back co...

Here Is A Simple Way To Beat The Grapevine (From Bottom Mount)

So you’re in bottom Mount and your opponent hooked your legs? This is called a grapevine. And it can be quite difficu...
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