BJJ Training RSS

Gordon Ryan Explains Crucial Concepts For Escaping Chokes In BJJ

If you want to become dangerous in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, then you need to “up” your defense as well… For, if you’re co...

Improve Your Triangle Choke Squeeze With These Details

The triangle choke is one of the most popular submissions in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. It has proven its effectiveness in ...

Armdrag To Snapdown: Your New Favorite Takedown Technique

Short on takedown techniques, especially in no-gi? Well, that sucks… Would be great if you could do something about i...

BJJ Advice: Fix Your Errors As Soon As Possible

If you’d like to improve as much as possible in Jiu-Jitsu, then it might be a good idea to start working on your mist...

Diving Kimura Grip Against Sit Up Guard – By Lachlan Giles

The Kimura grip is by far the most versatile grip in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), whether grappling with or without the...

Olympic Medalist Boxer Tries BJJ For 30 Days – Here Are His Thoughts

Tony Jeffries is an Olympic bronze medalist boxer who recently took it upon himself to try out Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fo...

Super Useful BJJ Concept: Concave vs Convex Shapes

Would you like to learn a super efficient and easy-to-use BJJ concept… One, that will translate to your game in all s...

How To Save Energy While Recovering Guard In BJJ?

You know the saying: „Guard recovery – you can never be too good at it.“ Well okay, okay. It isn’t exactly a saying… ...

BJJ Advice: One Move Will Never Guarantee You A Victory

Oh, if only there was a move, a technique, or a setup that would guarantee you a victory in (almost) every BJJ roll o...

Gordon Ryan’s Confidence Advice: “Have A Strong Defensive Game”

What’s the key to self-confidence in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, especially if you haven’t competed (nor won) a lot? Gordon ...

How To Take The Back From Bottom Side Control? Use The Kimura Grip

The Kimura grip is by far the most versatile grip in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), whether grappling with or without the...

Simple Way To Set Up A Calf Slicer From Turtle

Heel hooks, calf slicers, and neck cranks are all deemed dangerous submissions and prohibited from competition by the...
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