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Honey Hole Leg Lock Defense Feat. Eddie Bravo
Eddie Bravo shows a leg defense in the Honey Hole (aka Saddle, aka 411) position.
Heel Hook Escape to Toe Hold/Heel Hook – Kent Peters
Heel Hook Escape to Toe Hold/Heel Hook by Kent Peters
Front Headlock to Brabo Choke – Rustam Khabilov
UFC fighter and Combat Sambo World Champion Rustam Khabilov gives us some interesting tips on how to apply a variatio...
Chicken Wing Ezekiel Choke – Alberto Serrano
Alberto Serrano shows a sneaky choke from side control using the lapel of your oponent to set up a trap and choke him...
Reverse Omoplata From Top Turtle – Luca Anacoreta
Turtle position attacks: Inverted Triangle choke Omoplata reverse! Turtle position attacks: Inverted Triangle ...
Flying Arm Locks from Mount – JT Torres
JT Torres Teaches Flying Arm Locks from Mount in cool new instructional!
Luta Livre: Guillotine Without Compromising Position – Nicolas Renier
Nicolas Renier shows a cool Luta Livre Guillotine version that doesn’t compromise your position to get a submission!...
Scarf Hold Offence – Jeremy Arel
Jeremy Arel is a black belt in bjj and in this video he shows a series of attacks from kesa gatame
Guillotine The Foot -Leo Vieira
Leo Vieira teaches a very unusual leg attack, a guillotine on the foot. Check it out!