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Half guard sweep to kimura attacking the far arm – Tom DeBlass
Half guard sweep to kimura attacking the far arm. Remember in order to have a successful half guard you must attac...
3 Leg Locks vs Deep Half Guard- Robert Drysdale
Robert Drysdale shows 3 effective ways to counter the deep half guard waiter sweep with leglocks! A video posted by R...
6 Head & Arm Kesa Gatame Scarfhold Escapes & Counters
Learn 6 Head & Arm Kesa Gatame Scarfhold Escapes & Counters
Dude gets calf sliced and then farts…
Rob Lets A Friend See How It Feels To Be Locked Up In A Double Ended Calf Crusher And Gets A Fancy Fart In Return
Rose Namajunas pulls off a Flying Armbar
Rose Namajunas pulls off a flying armbar and celebrates like a maniac.
Adilson Bitta Lima teaches a kimura from the open guard
Adilson Bitta Lima teaches a kimura from the open guard
Arm Triangle Finish (Hanging Up The Call) – Kent Peters
Kent Peters shows a handy way to finish off the arm triangle !
Wrestling Takedown to Sidecontrol & Armbar – Katlyn Chookagian & Kyle Cerminara
Katlyn Chookagian & Kyle Cerminara work on a combo they’ve learned from John Danaher! #Repost @kycerm with ...
Cyborg: Tornado Sweep and Tornado Sweep fake to Knee bar
Very good chain from Cyborg! Cyborg: Tornado Sweep and Tornado Sweep fake to Knee bar A video posted by Marq...
Fancy Omoplata Sweep – Mackenzie Dern
Mackenzie Dern shows us a nice Omoplata Sweep setup locking her leg using her opponent’s lapel. Make sure you get a ...
Flying Armbar – Gezary Matuda
Gezary Matuda shows Flying Armbar – great submission technique used against Michelle Niccolini during Polaris 2. an...
A sweep to armbar drill – Yuri Simoes
Yuri Simoes offers a sweep to armbar drill. A sweep to armbar dril by Yuri Simoes The year is almost over, but th...