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EBI’s Undeniable Impact On The Excitement & Success Of This Year’s ADCC

There is often a debate amongst jiu-jitsu practitioners about the best way to prepare for a tournament like ADCC. Sho...

Sport For Street’s Sake: Is Sportive Training Helpful For Self Defense And “Real” Fighting?

Ever notice that the people who decry sportive techniques are those who have never actually spent any time doing them...

Best Mobility And Flexibility Exercises To Train Your Feet For BJJ

Being an athlete requires strong feet, as it’s something they just can’t afford to do without. They alone are not the...

The Fall Of Jiu-Jitsu in MMA Bouts

So, I am almost certain most of us started training jiu-jitsu because of the early UFC days. Royce was able to do ama...

The Sapateiro Invitational 2 was Submission Packed and Ended with a Dramatic Challenge

by William Murphy, Ph.D.,IBJJF Black Belt 3rd Degree, USJA San Dan Judo Saturday, June 11th was a great night for the...

What We Wish Adults Knew: The Kids POV

So I’ve been thinking, and watching kids as they perform various activities such as marching band, track and field, b...

Gracie Jiu-Jitsu VS Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

So you do Jiu Jitsu? That’s great! Did you know there are actually more than two styles of “Brazilian Jiu Jitsu”. If ...

Competition – Because External Assessments Don’t Lie

By William F. Murphy, Ph.D.,IBJJF Black Belt 3rd Degree, USJA San Dan Judo Do you know why competition is great? Comp...

4 Alternate Locations To Hold The World Championships

With the IBJJF World championship only 2 months away I figured this would be a great way to bring up an important and...

Why The Average JiuJitsuka Should Compete

So, one of the most debated questions in Jiu Jitsu, is how often one should compete in Jiu Jitsu? There are people at...

Podcast: Grappling Industries’ David Aguzzi Talks Running Tournaments, USA Expansion, And Ralek Gracie

I love talking to BJJ entrepreneurs who are able to combine their passion for the gentle art with business to build a...

Ask DeBlass: The Ten Lessons for Academy Owners and Students

With this edition of Ask DeBlass, Jiu Jitsu Times joins Professor Tom DeBlass in celebrating the tenth anniversary of...
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