Randy Couture RSS

A arte de dar a volta por cima, com o campeão Michael Jordan

* Artigo publicado originalmente nas páginas da GRACIEMAG #274. Para mais conteúdos exclusivos com o melhor do Jiu-Ji...

Top 10 Throws and Takedowns for BJJ

I’ll go ahead and say it: every practitioner should have at least a couple of throws and takedowns for BJJ.  Yes, it’...

Chris Pratt Training His Wrestling With Randy Couture

Actor Chris Pratt — famous for his roles in “Jurassic Park” and “Gaurdians of the Galaxy” — took some time off of his...

Randy Couture And Chuck Liddell Grappling

The post Randy Couture And Chuck Liddell Grappling appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

Criss Angel Punched in the Gut by Frank Mir, Randy Couture, & Chuck Liddell

Recently, a video was posted online showing part of an episode of ‘Trick’d Up’. This fast paced magic special feature...

Vídeo: Goiti Yamauchi finaliza Couture no Bellator 162

Mais uma finalização foi para a conta no cartel de Goiti Yamauchi. Em ação no Bellator 162, realizado nessa sexta-fei...

Randy Couture Door Gym Spoof by Kit Dale

You Gotta Door? You Gotta Door? You Gotta Gym. Body by KitDirected by Scott Dale Posted by Kit Dale on Saturday, June...

A volta do Pride FC ao mundo do MMA?

Realizado no Japão entre 1997 e 2007, o Pride Fighting Championship foi o maior evento de MMA do planeta, até que uma...

Fitness: Diversify at the gym with these workout tips from Randy Couture

Check out UFC star Randy Couture workout here:

Video: Chael Sonnen Roasts Randy Couture

Chael Sonnen considers former UFC Light Heavyweight and Heavyweight Champion Randy Couture a mentor. It was Couture w...

Watch Randy Couture VS Jacare On A Grappling Match

Video by: MMAClassics PSL X-Mission main event, UFC Champion & Hall of Famer, Randy Couture vs Ronaldo ‘Jacare’ S...

Dirigentes trabalham para ver Fedor Emelianenko x Couture no Bellator

Durante a coletiva de imprensa que sucedeu o Bellator 123, que teve o brasileiro Patrício “Pitbull” Freire como novo ...
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