Chris Pratt Training His Wrestling With Randy Couture

Actor Chris Pratt — famous for his roles in “Jurassic Park” and “Gaurdians of the Galaxy” — took some time off of his acting schedule to work his wrestling with MMA legend and UFC Hall of Famer Randy Couture.

The two were obviously doing more than flow grappling, too, going by the amount of sweat.

Check out the video below from Chris Pratt’s Instagram page:

A couple weeks ago I had the great privilege of training with UFC Hall of Famer Randy “the Natural” Couture @xcnatch at #unbreakable in Hollywood. Luckily he took it very easy on me. Randy first coached me when I was 17 at Oregon State University wrestling camp. After a greco roman training session consisting of throws he invited teenage me to come up and demonstrate the three throws we’d learned that day: the underarm spin, lateral drop and head and arm. It was such an honor. Everyone cheered as I slammed Coach Couture to his back. Not once, not twice… but three times. A few years later I was one of millions watching on TV as Randy entered The Octagon for the first time and dominated, eventually winning and defending the heavyweight title for years. He is a Pacific Northwest native and all around great dude. Gotta love the wrestlers mentality and work ethic. It’s a great sport which helped keep me out of trouble when I was younger and taught me to grind. I’ve always said it, wrestling made me who I am today. I dedicated years of my life to grappling. I still love it. Take your sons and daughters to a wrestling practice! It’s important our kids have adults to look up to outside of their parents. Here’s a shout out to all the coaches out there making a difference. Big thanks to Randy! #unbreakable #UFC #RandyTheNaturalCouture

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The post Chris Pratt Training His Wrestling With Randy Couture appeared first on Jiu-Jitsu Times.

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