Rafael Mendes RSS

GMI: O que uma academia de Jiu-Jitsu deve ter para ser perfeita para os alunos?

O que uma escola deve oferecer aos alunos para ser considerada ideal? No Jiu-Jitsu, há muitos aspectos que fazem de u...

Learn BJJ from the detail-focused training of Rafael and Guilherme Mendes

A tireless couple of brothers in search of evolution in BJJ, Rafael and Guilherme Mendes have braved their path in BJ...

Aprenda Jiu-Jitsu nos treinos detalhistas de Rafael e Guilherme Mendes

Dupla de irmãos incansável na busca de evolução no Jiu-Jitsu, Rafael Mendes e Guilherme Mendes trilharam juntos seu c...

Three mindset tips you should learn from Rafael Mendes

Rafael Mendes won it all. Six times black belt featherweight champion and two times ADCC 66kg champion, the youngest ...

Which New Techniques Can You Learn the Fastest?

Note: The content in this article was drawn from a Youtube video and an audio podcast (Episode 042 on iTunes, Soundcl...

Quem foi o melhor lutador de Jiu-Jitsu do ano de 2016?

Escolha seu lutador predileto ou lutadora favorita em 2016, e deixe seu voto logo abaixo, no De prefer...

Gui Mendes Teaches How to Take the Back When the Opponent Plays the Deep Half Guard

Step on the mats and learn from 4X black belt world champion Guilherme Mendes. In this video, he teaches a clever way...

Movement For Better Jiu Jitsu By Rafael Mendes

Movement for better jiu-jitsu is absolutely essential. From preventing injuries to your wrists to proper leg extensio...

5 matchups we would love to see happen right now in Jiu-Jitsu

What if you had and infinite amount of money to offer the top Jiu-Jitsu athletes today? Who would you match up with w...

Video: speed up your no-gi game with Rafa Mendes

A six-time featherweight world champion and two-time ADCC winner, Rafael Mendes has skills beyond reproach. According...

Vídeo: Acelere seu ritmo sem kimono com o treino de Rafa Mendes no Jiu-Jitsu

Atual campeão mundial peso pena, Rafael Mendes tem sua técnica de kimono acima de qualquer dúvida. Para completar, no...

Video: Rafael Mendes vs. Paulo Miyao at the 2014 European

They had trained together less than a year before. Even so, when fate put them face to face at the 2014 European, in ...
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