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Nicholas Meregali: “How I Win Counts More Than Anything Else For Me”

Nicholas Meregali isn’t known “just” for being one of the top-ranking Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athletes of all time. He is...

Shelby Murphey Explains Why Everybody Should Compete In BJJ At Least Once

Shelby Murphey is a top Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competitor. She recently won the brown belt roosterweight title at the 20...

Key Mindset For Jiu-Jitsu: Taking It Step By Step

Getting from the beginning of the round in Jiu-Jitsu to the submission can seem like a long road to take. Especially ...

BJJ Advice: Be Focused On Winning Tomorrow, Not Today

Here’s a quick question: do you often find yourself stuck in the same old routine when you train? As in, you always g...

Rafael Lovato Jr.: “Becoming A Father Motivated Me In A Different Way”

Rafael Lovato Jr. has done it all. He is a legendary Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competitor, as well as a successful MMA athl...

Tommy Langaker Reveals He Doesn’t Study His Opponents’ Games A Lot: “I Focus On Myself”

Tommy Langaker is facing Kade Ruotolo this Friday, June 9, at ONE Fight Night 11! The Norwegian is very excited about...

Nicholas Meregali: “I Was Dealing With Depression & Anxiety”

Nicholas Meregali is one of the most elite Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athletes in history – and is one of the most confident...

Mikey Musumeci: “I’m Attacking A Submission Every Second Of A Match”

Mikey Musumeci doesn’t play around when it comes to competing – he goes all out, always on the hunt for the submissio...

Andre Galvao: “I’ve Been Training Like Hell Since I Was A White Belt”

There are many roads to success, but all of them have one thing in common: hard work. There’s no going around the fac...

Sean O’Malley On Competing In BJJ: “It’s Important To Feel Those Nerves”

Do you compete? Sure, you might not have aspirations to become a professional BJJ athlete… But competing could greatl...

Fabio Gurgel’s Success Advice: “When You Make A Mistake…”

When you make a mistake, do you blame others for it… And when you succeed at something, do you take all the credit ev...

Nicholas Meregali: “Stop Saying That Champions Are Arrogant”

Nicholas Meregali seems to have had it enough with people who call him arrogant. He vented in a recent social media p...
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