Hannette Staack RSS

Learn two techniques from André Terêncio and catch a class with him in North Carolina

Black belt André Terêncio, co-leader of GMA member academy Brazil 021, in Chicago, is celebrating his birthday this S...

Brazil-021’s Hannette Staack & Andre Terencio at GMA Marra Senki in San Antonio Oct. 4-5

The pair at Brazil-021 in Chicago, IL, Andre Terencio and Hannette Staack, will be teaching yet another seminar. This...

Brazil-021 leaders Andre Terencio & Hannette Staack are in North Carolina on Sept. 20!

The Brazil-021 duo is at it again. Andre Terencio and Hannette Staack’s next seminar stop will be in Jacksonville, NC...

Toronto: Learn from Brazil-021 duo Andre Terencio & Hannette Staack on July 5

This Saturday, July 5, the leaders of GMA Brazil-021 will be in Toronto, Canada for a seminar. Professors Andre Teren...

Andre Terencio & Hannette Staack share their knowledge at women’s camp in Princeton, NJ July 8-13

GMA members Andre Terencio and Hannette Staack of Brazil-021 will be busy this summer at a women’s camp in Princeton,...

Andre Terencio & Hannette Staack in Edmonton on June 28 for two chances to learn

The GMA Brazil-021 duo, Professors Andre Terencio and Hannette Staack, will be in Edmonton, Canada for a two-a-day se...

Watch black belt world champion Hannette Staack in a self defense demonstration

Seven times world champion Hannette Staack shows you that Jiu-jitsu can help a lot in a street self defense situation...

Jiu-Jitsu: A arte da defesa pessoal, com a faixa-preta Hannette Staack

Vice-campeã mundial em 2014 e integrante do Hall da Fama da IBJJF, a faixa-preta Hannette Staack mostra, no vídeo aba...

Video: Hannette Staack shows details for a head & arm choke in no-gi

At the Groundswell Grappling Concepts camp in Boston at GMA BTT Boston back in February, GMA member  Hannettte Staack...

Travel to Brazil with Hannette Staack & Andre Terencio for the Brazil-021 camp 2014!

The leaders of Brazil-021, Hannette Staack and Andre Terencio, are asking all Jiu-Jitsu practitioners to travel down ...

Learn from 2nd degree black belt Marcos Cerqueira at Brazil 021 in Chicago on March 28

A second degree black belt under Andre Terencio, Marcos Cerqueira will be in town soon for Chicago locals. At Brazil ...

On women’s day, learn three techniques from Hannette Staack

On international women’s day, we selected one of the greatest female fighters of all times to teach some BJJ techniqu...
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