Hannette Staack RSS

On Hannette Staack’s birthday, learn her signature flying armbar technique

Hannette Staack has been on the forefront of women’s Jiu-Jitsu for years. Today, on her thirty-fifth birthday, we com...

Learn from Hannette Staack & Andre Terencio at Jacksonville, NC seminar March 1

The Brazio 021 duo, GMA members Hannette Staack and Andre Terencio, from Chicago, IL will be in Jacksonville, NC on M...

Brazil 021 holds end of the year fundraiser in Rio de Janeiro

GMA members André Terêncio and Hannette Staack have a special invitation for all. Read the message below. Click on th...

Learn from Hannette Staack and Andre Terencio in Toronto, Canada on Dec. 8

On Sunday, Dec. 8 Hannette Staack and Andre Terencio will be in Toronto, Canada at their affiliate Brazil-021 school ...

Hannette Staack, Andre Terêncio to teach seminar at Brazil 021 Edmonton

GMA members Hannette Staack and Andre Terêncio will be in Canada this Saturday, November 30. The leaders of Brazil 02...

Houston: Two chances Nov. 23-24 to learn from Hannette Staack & Andre Terencio

GMA members Andre Terencio and Hannette Staack, leaders of Brazil-021 in Chicago will be teaching at their affiliate ...

Os macetes para um projeto social de sucesso: “Viver para o Jiu-Jitsu e não do Jiu-Jitsu”

Fundador da escola de Jiu-Jitsu Brazil-021 e associado a nossa GMA, André “Negão” Terêncio mantém, junto com a esposa...

Veja como Hannette venceu Dominyka para garantir vaga em Abu Dhabi

Supercampeã de Jiu-Jitsu, a faixa-preta Hannette Staack (Brazil 021) conquistou, nesse fim de semana, sua vaga para d...

See who will compete at the Abu Dhabi WPJJC East Coast Trial on Oct. 20

The Abu Dhabi WPJJC East Coast Trial has closed its registration for the Oct. 20 event. This is the last American tri...

GMA Technique: Andre Negao teaches 2 techniques with opponent in half guard

Gracie Magazine Association (GMA) member Andre Negao of Brazil-021 in Chicago shows two techniques to use when you ha...

Gabi Garcia: “O ADCC é um esporte bem diferente do Jiu-Jitsu”

Campeã do ADCC 2011 na divisão mais de 60kg, Gabrielle Garcia está trabalhando duro para defender seu título na China...

Hannette Staack kicks off European seminar tour

GMA member Hannette Staack, from Brazil 021, in Chicago, IL, will be embarking on a Europena Seminar Tour. The seven-...
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