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Leglock Entry from Standing Clinch

Jumping into a leg lock is a great alternative to pulling guard!  Here’s a technique to go from standing directly int...

The ‘Hip Hop’ Counter to the Anklelock

Here’s on of the highest percentage leglock escapes from the Counters and Recounters section of the High Percentage L...

Counter to the Rolling Toehold vs. de la Riva Guard

The rolling toehold is a very powerful, very surprising attack.  Here’s a way to counter it and shut it down when you...

Frank Mir, the Spanish Inquisition, and Me

A video review blog called White Collar BJJ recently managed to link Frank Mir, the Spanish Inquisition and yours tru...

How To Use Instructional BJJ Media

by guest author Nicolai Geeza Holt Stephan’s note: today’s guest author shares his thoughts about a topic near and de...

Half Guard DVD Update

I know, I know, there have been a ton of delays in getting the Half Guard DVD ready…

Half Guard Leg Positions

Someone once defined insanity as “continuing to do the same thing and expecting different results“. This applies to g...

Using Instructional DVDs

A reader writes: Q: “How does one best utilize instructional video tapes and what are the best out there.” A: Let me...

Dealing with Ludicrous Strength

A reader writes: Q: “Do you have any advice on how to deal with guys who are ridiculously strong? I’m not necessarily...

The Larger, Stronger Opponent

If you try contesting a larger, stronger opponent using your strength against his strength you will probably lose.You...
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