BJJ Techniques RSS

Josh Barnett Shows A Neat Catch Wrestling Leg Lock Variation

Don’t tell us… You’re a Leg Lock fan. And, what’s more, there’s nothing you’d rather learn, drill, and do – than Heel...

Josh Barnett Reveals A Fantastic Half Nelson Counter – The Armbar

The Nelson Holds are wrestling techniques that aim to pin the opponent by immobilizing the arms and neck to secure a ...

Here’s A Simple Snap Down Setup – That Everyone Should Learn

Playing the takedown game in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu doesn’t have to be too complicated. Actually, it can be quite simple...

Jay Rodriguez Has Super Important Arm Drag Details To Show You

The Arm Drag is one of the most basic wrestling techniques you can use to set up takedowns… And yet, a lot of BJJ ath...

Winning The Hand Fighting For The RNC: Important Tip To Know

Learning the basics is extremely important – the most important thing in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. For, if you lack knowle...

This Wrist Lock From Triangle Choke Will Make Training Partners Hate You

The triangle choke from guard is one of the first submissions that you will typically learn in BJJ. It is highly effe...

Escape Turtle To Guard – This Is How (Easy & Fast)

In general, the Turtle position is supposed to be a defensive position where you stay briefly to either sweep or tran...

The “Fujiwara Armbar”: A BJJ Submission Technique You Didn’t Know You Needed

Catch Wrestling is a classical hybrid grappling style that was developed in Britain circa 1870 by J. G. Chambers,  th...

The “Lumbar Crush To Elevator” Is A Great Way To Escape Mount

Basics… Work! And they work well, but the thing a lot of jiujiteiros make a mistake in is in thinking that just becau...

Lucas Lepri Shows How To Shut Down Deep De La Riva Guard – With The Collar & Sleeve

What the De La Riva Guard is, is an open guard. Usually it’s utilized when someone is doing standing passes. The reac...

Gordon Ryan Reveals Important Toreando Pass Details

While many different strategies and tactics make up the guard passing dichotomy, two prominent styles are employed in...

John Danaher Has A Superb Knee Cut Pass Setup (In The Gi)

Passing the guard of a much larger opponent can sometimes be a difficult task. However, if it’s done right, you will ...
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