BJJ Techniques RSS

Rayron Gracie Reveals A Super Painful Way To Pass Closed Guard

Jiu-Jitsu is limitless. There are always new ways to control your opponents, especially in the Gi where the Gi materi...

Here’s How To Escape The Kimura – And Get The Wrist Lock (Super Fast Setup)

If you had to imagine an ideal Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu move, what would it be? Not just a technique in and of itself… But...

David Avellan Shows How To Finish The Mounted Kimura

Kimura trap system is widely credited to David Avellan, ADCC bronze medalist and a man of many other accomplishments!...

Here’s A Simple Front Headlock Takedown (Anyone Can Do It)

While it has experienced a recent uptick in its popularity, the front headlock is perhaps the most under-appreciated ...

John Danaher Reveals Important Guard Passing Concept: Switching To An Inside Leg Pant Grip

Does it feel as if your guard passing is somewhat stagnating? As in, you do know a number of guard passes and you per...

Xande Ribeiro Reveals A Systematic Way To Trap An Arm From North South

The Kimura would be known as the Reverse Ude Garami, or the Double Wrist Lock in Catch Wrestling circles. There are a...

Pedro Sauer Has A Unique (& Insanely Effective) Knee On Belly Escape

Escaping the sidecontrol is one of the biggest challenges any beginner faces and it’s paramount to mastering bjj or e...

Henry Akins Shows An Interesting Way To Deal With The Spider Guard

There are a number of ways to pass an Open Guard. However, when the absolute basics of guard passing are considered, ...

Henry Akins Shows How To Transition To Mount From Half Guard

Most Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athletes and coaches would argue that the most dominant position in Jiu-Jitsu is the back co...

Henry Akins Shows An Interesting Way To Deal With The Z Guard

Today hundreds of thousands of jiu jitsu students around the globe are using their knee shields, bottom hook, frames ...

Craig Jones Demonstrates An Omoplata To Leg Locks Transition

Don’t tell us… You’re a Leg Lock fan. And, what’s more, there’s nothing you’d rather learn, drill, and do – than Heel...

Here’s How To Do The D’Arce Choke From Standing

There are countless versions of the D’arce choke which is also called the Katagatame in Japanese because it is a form...
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