BJJ Improvement RSS

BJJ Advice: You Could Be Wasting Your Time By Watching Match Footage

If you want to improve your BJJ game, you have to be active about it outside of training. You have to do your homewor...

Zero Talent For Jiu-Jitsu? This Is How To Become Really Good Anyway

Talent is important, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Often, it will make the difference between winning and losi...

Effective Ways To Really Push Yourself In BJJ Training Sessions

So you’d like to really push yourself in training, eh? Awesome! That means that you’re really motivated to improve yo...

The Secret To Better BJJ Escapes: Get In A Bad Position… And Do Nothing

Be honest with us: could your BJJ escapes be polished up a little bit? Could they use some work? Yeah, they probably ...

Thinking About Quitting BJJ? Consider The 3-Month Rule

Are you thinking of quitting Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu? You’ve only just begun training and it seems that you aren’t really...

Keenan Cornelius: “Do Something – Doing More Wins More In BJJ”

How many times in BJJ have you found yourself doing… Nothing? As in – you’re just sitting/laying/standing there, with...

Kit Dale: “One Of The Biggest BJJ Myths Is Progression=Mat Time”

Mat time… It’s incredibly important in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu; because, after all, if you aren’t training – then how can...

7 Tips For Getting Your BJJ Purple Belt Promotion

Going from blue to the purple belt is not an easy task. Sure, you could’ve received your blue belt just on the basis ...

BJJ Advice: Focus On The End Goal & The Details Will Fall Into Place

When you train, you come to understand that Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a weird sport. Because, it seems both complicated ...

The Lightbulb Moment: How To Reach It In BJJ?

You know that feeling when, after a long and difficult “battle” with a problem, you finally come up with a solution t...

5 Tips For Finding & Developing Your Own BJJ Game

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gets really enjoyable once you start figuring out your own game. It’s almost like you’re creating...

John Danaher: “You Can Reinvent Your BJJ In 5 Years”

So you’re not satisfied with your Jiu-Jitsu? It feels almost as if you’re… Mediocre? Well, if you want to go from med...
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