Torreando RSS
Escaping The Sticky Hook When Guard Passing – Roberto Godoi
Godoi shows his preferred way of escaping the sticky hook when guard passing! Equipe, mais uma posição que uso...
Toreando pass to Armbar – Marcelino Freitas
Toreando pass to armbar from Marcelino Freitas Toreando pass to armbar from @marcelinobjj #bjj #jiujitsu #jits...
Relentless Guard Passing-Leandro Lo
Leandro Lo’s Relentless Guard Passing, part 2 for part 1 click HERE.
Relentless Guard Passing-Leandro Lo
Leandro Lo Pereira do Nascimento is a 5x World Champion, and is widely considered to be one of the top pound-for-poun...
Bullfighter Pass – Johnatan Wertz
Tidewater BJJ’s Johnatan Wertz shows an old classic – the bullfighter pass
Stop Getting Stuck In Half Guard – Nick Albin
The pass allows me to have my hips far back enough that it prevents the opponent from securing an underhook or transi...
How to Counter the Toreando / Bullfighter Pass – Stephan Kesting
Rob Biernacki and Stephan Kesting talk about how to counter to the Toreando (aka ‘Bullfighter’ or ‘Matador’) guard pa...