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Stack Pass To Choke Submission- Henry Akins

This a simple but very effective stack pass that when done correctly ends in an effortless Choke Submission.

Gracie Breakdown – Korean Zombie Twister

Eddie Bravo and Rener Gracie break down the Korean Zombie getting the first ever submission via Twister in the UFC, a...

Engage Standing Opponent In No Gi BJJ ( Sweep / Leglock Entry )

In No Gi there is so much less to hold onto. Which can make it more difficult to execute techniques off your back whe...

Triangle from X-Guard – Alberto Serrano

Triangle from X-Guard by Alberto Serrano

Escaping Omoplata to crucifix – Robson Moura

Robson Moura demonstrates a nice omoplata escape, using the feet and moving to a crucifix type position to finish wit...

How To Do The Gogoplata – ONE FC’s Jenny Huang

How To Do The Gogoplata by ONE FC’s Jenny Huang

Guillotine Options From Butterfly Guard – Kent Peters

Kent Peters shows some nice ways to set up the guillotine from butterfly guard

Choke with Own Lapel – Leo Santos

    A choke I usually get enough …. and how I use my own lapel, so the opponent can’t defend!     Um estrangulamento ...

Gordon Ryan’s Cool Triangle/Armbar Setup @ SUG3

   Gordon Ryan’s Cool Triangle/Armbar Setup   That's how it's done!! #jujitsu #sug3 #submissionunderground #gordonrya...

Garry Tonon vs Antonio Carlos Jr. ‘Cara de Sapato’ Finish- SUG3

   Garry Tonon vs Antonio Carlos Jr. ‘Cara de Sapato’ Finish- SUG3   (SUG 3) @caradesapatojr subs Garry Tonon #sug3 #...

Triangle Setup – Firas Zahabi

   Firas Zahabi of Tristar MMA drops some knowledge on a key trapping position in guard via bjj scout!    

Excellent Americana Defense To Americana!

Talk about a fun counter. How effective do you think this move is?
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