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Cobrinha Tech of the Week – One Handed Guillotine

Learn this awesome two or one-handed guillotine for no gi from 2 time ADCC champion – Rubens “Cobrinha” Maciel

Incredible Omoplata escape by Roger Gracie

  Incredible Omoplata escape by Roger Gracie      

The Kraken Choke from turtle Position – Mike Bidwell

The Kraken Choke from turtle Position by Mike Bidwell

Defending the Kimura from Bottom Half Guard – Bernardo Faria

5 x BJJ World champion Bernardo Faria shows you how to not get Kimura’d when you’re playing from the deep half guard.

Kneebar+Figure 4 neck lock – Sakuraba

Legendary Sakuraba shares another peculiar combo!

How to do the ‘Waki Gatame’ Armlock Standing and on the Ground

Waki Gatame is an armlock from Judo, Hapkido and traditional Japanese Ju-jutsu systems, but it can also be used in on...

Stand Up comic Travis Gran pulls an interesting Armbar variation

Stand Up comic Travis Gran pulls an interesting Armbar variation

Kimura to OmoPlata – David Avellan

Earlier we did Switch to Omo Plata, and I have told you in the past that the Switch and the Kimura are close siblings...

Super Sneaky Triangle Choke (From Ethan Crelinsten)

Super Sneaky Triangle Choke (From Ethan Crelinsten)

Paper Cutter Choke Defense – Tony Pacenski

Tony Pacenski shows a good way to defend against the paper cutter choke

Ashi to X-Guard to Outside Ashi – Alberto Serrano

Ashi to X-Guard to Outside Ashi | How to BJJ Techniques by Alberto Serrano

Stop Racking Yourself with Armbars in BJJ – Nick Albin

This video is a short tip on how no to rack yourself when you go for Armbars in BJJ. I received a question where one ...
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