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Kimura to Triangle Choke – Eric Ott

Kimura to Triangle Choke Eric Ott is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu brown belt and a MMA fighter fighting out of Long Island M...

Rener Gracie’s Brilliant Triangle Choke Defense

Rener and Ryron Gracie breakdown the BJJ technique to escape this dangerous position and mess up your opponents trian...

Ten Finger Guillotine vs Butterfly Guard & Underhook – Kent Peters

Kent Peters shows an incredibly powerful luta livre move to utilize against the butterfly guard!

Triangle vs armbar escape – Alberto Serrano

Alberto Serrano of Renzo GRacie Mexico shows another great technique

Sweep To Lapel Choke – Chris Haueter

Work the opponent’s lapel for the sweep and the choke from the mount as shown by @chrishaueterart

CLOSED GUARD PASS: Frogger Pass and Arm Bar -Ricardo Tubbs

Ricardo Tubbs has been training Jiu Jitsu since 2006. He began training as way to remain physically fit. He soon foun...

An EASY HACK to Finish CROSS CHOKES Even With CRAP Grips! – Tom Davey

We have all done it. We don’t always get the best grips when we go for the cross chokes but we go for them anyway! It...

Counter For When Someone Tries To Explode Out of Omoplata -Geo Martinez

Drilling all day everyday… Here’s a counter for when someone muscles or explodes out of a omoplata. #Repost @freakahz...

Evil D’arce Choke vs Butterfly Guard & Underhook – Kent Peters

D’arce Choke vs Butterfly Guard, using the quarter Nelson to break down the head leads into multiple attacks

Half Guard Sweep Straight to Armbar – Hernandes

Check out this SWEEP from Professor Hernandes, based on the technique of Judo “Ude Hishig Te Gatame”.

Ronda Rousey Attacks Luke Rockhold With Signature Armbar

Watch: Luke Rockhold Tries to Defend Ronda Rousey’s Armbar

Jimmy Pedro: Preventing The Kimura From Over Under

Team USA Judo coach and newaza expert Jimmy Pedro shows how to Prevent The Kimura From Over Under
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