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BJJ Weekly Master’s Mindset 005 – LAPEL CHOKE

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BJJ Weekly Master’s Mindset 005 – LAPEL CHOKE

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Slick Guard Pass Counter To Armbar – Jean Jacques Machado

Simple always works! Simple always works! O simples sempre funciona! ???????????????????? A post shared by Jean Jacqu...

Slick Guard Pass Counter To Armbar – Jean Jacques Machado

Simple always works! Simple always works! O simples sempre funciona! ???????????????????? A post shared by Jean Jacqu...

Cross Choke from the Closed Guard -Guilherme Pinheiro

Guilherme Pinheiro and Didi Martins. • Position : - Guilherme shows some ways to attack the cross choke from the clos...

Cross Choke from the Closed Guard -Guilherme Pinheiro

Guilherme Pinheiro and Didi Martins. • Position : - Guilherme shows some ways to attack the cross choke from the clos...

Brendan Schaub chokes out Bryan Callen after Fight Companion Stockholm

Brendan Schaub chokes out Bryan Callen after Fight Companion Stockholm

Brendan Schaub chokes out Bryan Callen after Fight Companion Stockholm

Brendan Schaub chokes out Bryan Callen after Fight Companion Stockholm

Rodrigo Comprido shows the BEST Armbar Escape on the Mount

Rodrigo Comprido demonstrates his favorite Armbar Escape on the mount.

Rodrigo Comprido shows the BEST Armbar Escape on the Mount

Rodrigo Comprido demonstrates his favorite Armbar Escape on the mount.

The Dangerous Myth About Leg Locks in BJJ – Nick Albin

In Brazilian Jiu-jitsu all submissions are dangerous and have the potential to alter someone’s life in a very profoun...

The Dangerous Myth About Leg Locks in BJJ – Nick Albin

In Brazilian Jiu-jitsu all submissions are dangerous and have the potential to alter someone’s life in a very profoun...
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