Roberto Roleta RSS

Pan 20 Years: 1996, great duels for the record

Historians like to say that history is divided in before and after the written word. The history of the Pan is exactl...

Who’s who in the realm of the BJJ Worlds

When I decided to pull up my sleeves to produce the book “Jiu-Jitsu Worlds–A Tale in Photos,” I faced the classic cha...

A Tribute to the Monsters of the 1st Jiu-Jitsu Worlds, of 1996

At the time the first ever Jiu-Jitsu World Championship came around, in Rio de Janeiro in February 1996, GRACIEMAG wa...

Uma homenagem aos monstros do 1º Mundial de Jiu-Jitsu, em 1996

À época do 1º Campeonato Mundial de Jiu-Jitsu, realizado no Rio em fevereiro de 1996, GRACIEMAG ainda era um jornal, ...

Tribute to Barcelona, 5 upsets from BJJ and fight world

The big sporting news of the week came this Tuesday, with Barcelona’s Champions League elimination to the less tradit...

Em homenagem ao Barcelona, 5 zebras do mundo das lutas e do Jiu-Jitsu

O acontecimento esportivo da semana foi a eliminação, terça-feira, do Barcelona da Champions League, pelo menos tradi...

5 Jiu-Jitsu classics on YouTube as a 2012 Pan warmup

Sign-ups for the 2012 Pan end this Friday, March 23. So click here to secure your spot at the championship. Besides t...

5 clássicos do Jiu-Jitsu no YouTube para você esquentar para o Pan 2012

As inscrições para o Pan de Jiu-Jitsu 2012 terminam nesta sexta-feira, dia 23 de março. Portanto, clique aqui, para g...

Review the rear-naked choke, a Jiu-Jitsu move showcased at UFC on FX yesterday

Yesterday’s UFC on FX show in Nashville, Tennessee, was a Jiu-Jitsu-practitioners’ feast. The end grappling tally was...

Repasse o mata-leão, golpe de Jiu-Jitsu consagrado no UFC on FX ontem

O UFC on FX de ontem, em Nashville, Tennessee, foi um banquete para o praticante de Jiu-Jitsu. Foram quatro mata-leõe...

Pan Blog: Roleta vs. Saulo, in 1996

This one really did come from the bottom of the treasure chest! Straight from Youtube’s most obscure archives, the GR...

15 times Brazilian Team Nationals

This September 25 the 15th Brazilian Team National Championship will take place in the Tijuca Tennis Club. Sign-ups a...
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