Milton Vieira RSS

Ingressos do Bitetti Combat em diversos pontos

O Bitetti Combat Cup (BC 9) traz o GP 84kg com feras como Bruno Carioca e Julio Cesar, além da superluta entre Miltin...

All set for his superfight, Milton calls on the crowd

An athlete with experience in international events like Pride FC and Deep, Milton Vieira is getting ready for his thi...

Pronto para superluta, Miltinho convoca torcida

Atleta com experiência internacional, tendo combatido em eventos como o Pride e Deep, Milton Vieira se prepara para a...

Milton Vieira in Bitetti Combat superfight

A superfight guaranteed to liven up the crowd at Rio de Janeiro’s Botagofo gymnasium has been confirmed for the ninth...

Milton Vieira faz a superluta do Bitetti Combat

A nona edição do BC, o Bitetti Combat Cup, já confirmou a superluta para agitar o público no ginásio do Botafogo, no ...

Do you practice “Home-Jitsu,” too?

For those hooked on Jiu-Jitsu, practicing at home is nothing new. To many, the academy is just not enough. We go back...

Murilo Bustamante receives yet another black belt

In November 1991, Murilo Bustamante became one of the most notorious figures in Jiu-Jitsu. On the 26th of the month, ...

On his way to No-Gi Worlds, Milton Vieira takes MMA break

A fighter dedicated to MMA, Milton Vieira is taking a brief break from the style. The reason being: Milton’s bags are...

Defend yourself with this move hot out of the workshop

A new heel-hook defense from Milton Vieira with two attacking variations

Ninja relies on Jiu-Jitsu at Bitetti Combat

Bitetti Combat 7 featured some good bouts and a bit of controversy this Friday night in Rio de Janeiro. The highlight...

Diego Braga wins rematch at Platinum Fight

World MMA aces like Lyoto Machida and Paulo Filho approved of what they say this Saturday in Rio de Janeiro. Of the n...
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